Saturday 26 March 2016

Thursday 3rd March 1988

forgot to write yesterday but nothing happened apart from we had an hour off school. Nothing much happened today really all that happened is I went to school.

I'm so sorry.

If this doesn't convince you that the stupidly over-long URL I picked for this blog is appropriate then hold tight and pay more attention.

You know when you type/write/read/say a word so many times in quick succession that it stops looking like an actual word (there's one word that has always made me question myself even after one utterance or use - that word is 'glimpse')? The word 'happened' stopped being real after transcribing my pitiful entry from 28 years and 23 days ago.

Two days, two whole days... all I can think to talk about is that I had an hour off school? No idea, I presume some kind of teacher training or something? I don't think it was a bombscare but even if it was all you'd get from 1988 Neil would have been "nothing much happened today apart from we got evacuated from school when someone found an unexploded WW2 bomb in the long jump pit. Got to go now my foot is cold".

I'm just annoyed with myself for not realising I didn't have to only talk about that day, I could have written more about London but no...

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